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05/25/2016 / By D. Samuelson
Man’s devious ways of brainwashing technologies have become radically sophisticated. The break neck speed of the technologies used to spread lies are so embedded that millions of neurons in our eyes, ears, heart and brain have lost their ability to discern good from evil. As Kristan Harris reports, the CIA project Operation Mockingbird, which was started in the 1940s, is still evolving:
“The program [Operation Mockingbird] has evolved into a new brand of media control using the Internet to spread any propaganda seeming beneficial to the current political climate.
“Agents create fake user accounts on social media platforms, such a as Facebook, Twitter and others, to argue any ideology they are instructed to. According to RT news, agents have up to ’10 fake shill accounts’ used to troll and create the illusion of having a genuine network of friends.”
Here’s a bit more history on the evolution from Project Mockingbird to today’s in-your-face trolls from Breaking the Set‘s Abby Martin:
Let’s not forget the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations, called the greatest brainwashing organization to ever exist in the course of human history, according to Educate Yourself:
“With the Tavistock plan modified to suit American conditions, [Edward] Bernays and [Walter] Lippmann led President Woodrow Wilson to set up the very first Tavistock methodology techniques for polling (manufacturing) so-called public opinion created by Tavistock propaganda.
“They also taught Wilson to set up a secret body of ‘managers’ to run the war effort and a body of ‘advisors’ to assist the President in his decision-making. The Creel Commission was the first such body of opinion-makers set up in the United States.
“Woodrow Wilson was the first American president to publicly proclaim himself in favor of a Socialist New World Order inside a Socialist One World Government. His remarkable acceptance of the New World Order is found in his book The New Freedom.”
Even if you don’t speak Spanish, you will grasp the nefarious goals of Tavistock’s global social engineering and mind control in this short advertising video for Daniel Estulin’s book about the Institute:
Reams have been written about the early life of mind control programs and their effect on generations. Concurrently, the bombardment of pharmaceuticals, fluoride, toxic chemicals, vaccines, pesticides, herbicides and GMOs work synergistically to create lower IQs, lowered immunity and more disease.
Mike Adam reports, “Food freedom, medical freedom and even the freedom to save your own seeds can only be protected when individual liberty is restored and defended against overreaching government tyranny and totalitarianism. It’s time to decriminalize healing, legalize medical marijuana nationwide, legalize industrial hemp farming, legalize herbal medicine for treating cancer and end the deadly monopoly of Big Pharma, the FDA, the CDC and the institutions that profit from suffering and disease.”
Check out his podcast on these critical topics of food and health freedom.
(Photo credit:
Tagged Under: abby martin, Alternative healing, Brain Control, CIA, Daniel Estulin, Dave McGowan, Facebook paid trolls, Health Ranger, John Coleman, Laurel Canyon, Medical Tyranny, Medicinal Marijana, mind control, Operation Mockingbird, Tavistock Institute, The Doors, The Eagles, Woodrow Wilson
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